Hello, WORLD!! Smokkee Singleton, here. If you've been here on mbefore, you know I say that all the time. It kinda helps new readers get familiar with my voice. Speaking of voices, it kinda ties in to what this post is about. While the cell phone battle which at this point is almost solely between the iOS and the Android systems drags on, the differences between the 2 systems are slowly disappearing. Case in point: one of the iOS based iPhone 4's biggest advantages over the Android has been Siri, a voice operated app that turns your smart phone into a smart mouthed virtual PA. The Android has always had some kinda voice operated app; never has it had one that talked back though! After playing with it for about a week, there's a few minor tweaks that need to be worked out, including a somewhat limited number of responses (as compared to Siri), but I think I've received at least 2 updates that added new responses in that time frame so the creators of this app are constantly working on improving it. Anyway, since it's free, why not give it a try? Need a link? BAM!!: Check out "Skyvi (Siri for Android)". That's it for now, WORLD, but if you try it because of me please let me know what you thought about it.