Hello, WORLD!! Smokkee here, still playing catch up in this A to Z blogging Challenge. This post was supposed to be posted last Friday, I believe. And I'm still talking about Marvel Comics but not the MCU this time. I'm talking about one of the most controversial story-lines the company ever put out. One More Day.
Meet Mephisto. |

One More Day is a Spider Man story unlike any other Spidey story ever. You see, Spider Man does something completely selfish here. Thanks to the events of 'Civil War', the whole world knows Spidey is Peter Parker, including his enemies. His enemies target his loved ones, his wife Mary Jane and his beloved Aunt May. Some hitmen hired by Carlton Fisk / the Kingpin manage to shoot and critically wound Aunt May. She's dying. There's nothing that can be done for her. At least that's what Dr Strange tells him. He finds help in the most unlike ally.

Enter Mephisto. Depending on who you're asking, he's either a demon or Marvel's version of the devil. He tells Peter he will save Aunt May for one small request. I know what you're thinking: his soul. No. Well, yeah. Mephisto only wants his marriage to Mary Jane. He doesn't want to marry her. He wants to wipe out the marriage from ever existing.

Do you get the uproar over this story line now? It just doesn't fit in with his character at all. The most never-give-up super hero who faces, and beats, more unbeatable odds than any other hero, sells his marriage to the devil to save his Aunt May. That isn't very Spidey like, is it? The reason is Joe Quesada, one of Marvel's editors in chief, felt like dissolving the marriage would open the doors for better Spider Man stories in the future. No argument there. Most of my favorite Spidey stories are the newer wants penned by Dan Slott. Conversely, most of the hated Spider Man stories (Clone Saga comes to mind) happened during the marriage. That's not why most comic book fans hate the storyline. It's hated because it's resolved by having Spider-Man doing something Spider-Man simply would not do. It's like, say, Superman deciding to kill Zod before he kills somebody else instead of trying to find another way to stop him or something...

I like the story, actually. I didn't get upset with it personally but I get why a lot of people did. I also get why people didn't like the last Superman reboot for making Supes a murderer but they should just hate the movie cause it wasn't really that good, truth be told. Killing Zod at least gave me something to talk about, something the rest of the movie didn't do.
At least Marvel is trying to correct their mistake, somewhat. This is do out this summer as part of the Secret Wars event.
Now I wonder how all of this ties into the MCU.
Later, WORLD.
Smokkee Singleton
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